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The GAUR or Indian Bison (Bos gaurus) is the largest and most magnificent of all the world's bovines, measuring up to 6 feet 4 inches at the shoulder and weighing over 2,000 pounds. It lives in the forest areas of northeast, central and south India, as well as in some parts of southeast Asia. It is often mistakenly nicknamed 'bison' by sportsmen, but it is not really a bison at all. It is wild ox, and a much larger and finer looking animal than the true bisons of North America and Europe - an embodiment of vigour and strength.

Distinctive features of this noble creature are the dorsal ridge and white 'stockings'. Young calves are golden yellow in colour, cows and immature bulls are reddish brown, while fully grown bulls are jet black. A domesticated version of the gaur is found with the hill tribesmen in the mountains of northeast India, known as the 'gayal'. It closely resembles the gaur and roams semi-wild in the forests, but it is slightly smaller and its horns are flat and straight instead of being nicely curved. No one knows how this animal, known as the mithun, originated, unless it was the result of a long-ago cross between the gaur and some domestic breed.

Generally the gaur lives in mixed herds of an average 5-15 animals, whilst the old bulls tend to become solitary except during mating. Within the herds the rank order of the bulls seems to be determined chiefly by size. Gaurs typically feed in grassy meadows. The peak of the rut season being the colder months of December-January. Usually only one calf is born.

Height of a large bull can be up to 195 cm at shoulder, average being about 180 cm, whereas cows may be somewhat smaller. Average spread of horns is about 83 cm (up to 100 cm having been recorded).